Dev Patel

Irvine, California, USA | (551)-234-1189 |

In my role as a Software Engineer specializing in IoT and IIoT, I have witnessed the boundless potential that this industry holds, and the transformative impact it can have on non-tech sectors. Drawing inspiration from this realization, I have dedicated my efforts towards creating tailored IoT solutions, leveraging the latest technological advancements to facilitate digital transformation.

As a rapid learner, I am always eager to expand my skillset and acquire new knowledge, should the position demand it. I am certain that my aptitudes and expertise will be effectively utilized, and I am excited to engage in further discussions regarding this opportunity.

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Software Engineer II

Glidewell Dental

• Designing and deploying AWS cloud architecture to bolster IoT-based services, enabling seamless transformation, analysis, and secure storage of incoming data payloads.

• Actively automate infrastructure deployment on AWS using Terraform, while leveraging CloudBees, Jenkins, and Gitlab development tools to ensure efficient and reliable operations.

• Continuously developing and maintaining user-friendly, interactive web applications and Web Dashboards for machine monitoring, ensuring real-time and historical performance monitoring of IoT-enabled machines and factory lines while consistently updating and managing program versions for ongoing production support.

• Actively leading the design and implementation of a suite of proactive microservices, ensuring vigilant monitoring of production processes and machinery, swift anomaly detection, and precise corrective action execution. Continuously enhancing automated reporting mechanisms for data-driven decision-making.

• Integrating multiple software services using REST API frameworks and IoT solutions, aligning technology with evolving business requirements.

• Actively contributing to the ongoing advancement of both front-end and back-end technology stacks, driving technological growth and innovation within the team.

September 2021 - Present

Full Stack Web Developer

Signage Ideas

• Compiled and tackled technical and design specifications, merging user-oriented and front-end elements to maintain the effectiveness of the web presence.

• Worked closely with stakeholders throughout the development process to validate innovative proposals and implement design best practices.

• Recognized and resolved any website performance issues to optimize speed.

July 2021 - September 2021


Rutgers University - New Brunswick

September 2017 - May 2021

Bachelor of Science


Computer Science

Rutgers University


Photos - Android Studio

Nov 2020 – Jan 2021
Created a photo application using Java (object-oriented concepts and data structures), XML, and Android Studio. Designed the application to display the photos from the gallery along with the functionalities to handle those photos using XML and Android Studio. Added buttons such has name, tags, delete and others to make the application interactive.

Flights - A Travel Reservation Website.

Oct 2019 – Dec 2019
Created a fully functional website using AWS to make travel reservations and related functionalities using our own databases that were managed using MySQL workbench.


Nov 2020 – Dec 2020
Implemented polyalphabetic, stream and block ciphers to use it as required to encrypt or decrypt the files.


Sep 2020 – Oct 2020
Implemented a fully functional chess game with a team of 2 using Java (object-oriented concepts and data structures)

Wumpus World

Sep 2020 – Oct 2020
Used AI to implement the Wumpus World game and later added the fog of war game idea in it by using probability distribution of state variables and by calculating the good move to succeed.

IP Network

Mar 2020 – May 2020
Performed ip assignment on each interface by going on the device. For h1-h4, One ip address each was assigned to the interface going to the router. In the same way, There were 4 interfaces going to different hosts from router, and all of them were given different ip addresses. To forward the packets from Hosts to router, On each host a default route was added via the interface address going to router. Similarly, on Router, corresponding to the interface going to each host, a rule was added in routing table to forward the packet to respective host.

Load Balancing DNS Servers.

Apr 2020 – May 2020
Used the functionality of DNS servers to implement a system to balance loads by splitting set of hostnames across multiple DNS serves and get a display of load on each one used.


Sep 2019 – Mar 2020
This assignment requires you to write two small functions that interpose two standard library functions. The assignment comprises two parts. Each function is relevant to one part of the assignment.

Client Server Interactor

Apr 2019 – Jun 2019
A client and server interactor to create small scale version control system with various functionalities such as configure, checkout, update, upgrade, commit, push, create, destroy, add, remove, current version, history and rollback using sockets, multithreading, forking and file api.

Text File Compressor

Feb 2019 – Apr 2019
To use file system API and different data structures to build and store huffman tree in a file named HuffmanCodebook and further use the Huffman Codebook to compress or decompress the text files located in directory.

Artifical Malloc

Jan 2019 – Feb 2019
Implementation of our own version of the system's malloc and free that provides the same basic functionality as of malloc() and free() and it also detects common programming and usage errors.

Java Projects

Sep 2017 – May 2018
In the above link are the projects done in the freshmen year of the college. The code in written in java and they written with the use of various Data Structures.


Programming Languages & Tools

•Languages: Java, Python, C, C++, C#, .NET

•Web: Proficient in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, including Angular and React frameworks.

•Cloud: AWS (as IoT Core, IoT Greengrass, IoT Sitewise, Lambda, VPC, EC2 - LightSail, Kafka - MSK, S3, SQS, SNS, SES, DynamoDB, RDS, API Gateway), MS Azure, GCP

•Databases: SQL server, MySQL, NoSQL.

•Development: Skilled in Jenkins - CloudBees, Gitlab (Pipelines), Terraform, Kubernetes, Bitbucket, GitHub, and Git.


I am empowered to effect change, driven by my unwavering faith in my capacity and determination to make a difference. My passion and competence lie in Computer Science, a field that captivates me with its vast potential and countless theories. As I have delved deeper into this domain, I have expanded my knowledge and honed my skills, gaining proficiency in various applications, tools, and techniques. With focused effort and rigorous research, I am confident in my ability to tackle any challenge within this field. With my extensive educational background and exceptional analytical, technical, and programming skills, I am poised to excel as a software engineer. If you believe I am a suitable candidate for your software engineering needs, please do not hesitate to contact me.